After Business as Usual Nicholas GEORGESCU

by boder


Nations PIB correlates to CO2 human Emission.

Axiom usual is to say capitalism is based on raw input, less input to sell less exchange and true economy.

Work productivity have decrease since 1970,

Since public power have choosen debts.

« 100 milliards –> true amount of world money value »

meadows BAU2 (perhaps opposite to human initial grow)

  • 1/decrease 1, food per person.
  • 2/next, in same time decrease of goods, services, world population.
  • 3/final explosion of pollution, humany back to mad-max??

GIEC study seams show Business as Usual is on action.

Engineer knownledge+historical


Working on Hypothese what an collectivity shall built, keep and maintain ?


before post :
See more links to blog géo++++


Difficult to think in occident, we are already in decreasing since 1970 and begin to manage your presence « safe » on earth. Considaring we may think with 2 or 3 human generations « how to be alive » ?

Even if we can use red queen theory, ressources (not renewalable) can not support your personal/clanic permanence. I will try to think, even if it seams human brain is not built to think decrease !


0/ understood more and more before collapse of states (climatic, climate, geographic)

-> it seams climatic-time will be unknown to the Human tradition (perhaps more tropical)

1/ global exchange will not be available for everybody local production& capacity will be needed.

Learn to life with less food but more healthy (due to lake of medecine and medics)[].

2/ Manuals technic & mechanical knowledge (without engine). Invest on Solar energy technologies.

Here we will have lost Chinese manufactories, no marine transport for low cost products. Perhaps also wars between last city-state industrials, remove close to mineral ressources ?

Decrease of Human population will begin in Asia.

3/ Why an increase explosition of Pollution ? i shall recheck. Perhaps too many pollutants stock loss of knowledge to manage garbadge ? leave proximity of nuclear Power Plant ?

I think here global climate change will meet to no-human in north America.